NCITS V2 IT Access Interfaces
Technical Committee
UPDATED 8/8/2001
Notes on format and notations
ITEM: '#NNN' - All items are assigned a number that is roughly sequential according to when the item was created; gaps may exist when items are completed, dropped or consolidated,
RESPONSIBILITY: person(s) assigned the item,
STATUS: status as of last update,
DESCRIPTION: wording that should reflect the understanding and consent of the person or persons assigned the action;
[reference] - this is a shorthand reference for the origination or modification of the action item; reference might be to minutes of a plenary session (Pn/nn.nn) or to a managers conference call (MCC- mm/dd/yyyy); for example, P3/10.2 refers to plenary #3 minutes, section 10.2 and MCC-6/8/2001 refers to the managers conference call on 6/8/2001.
Send any comments on this page to mailto:[email protected]
MIN. |
#001 |
LaPlant |
done |
provide a pointer to the voting record of NCITS on the V2 project proposal. [P1/4] |
** NOTES: done. [P3/5.1] |
#002 |
LaPlant/ Roeder |
done |
make project scope document clearer. [P1/4] |
** NOTES: done. [P2/5.2] |
#003 |
Gilman |
obe |
draft and post to work-def reflector a memo for w3 liaison letter saying what is overlap and type of expertise needed; coordinate with Urban. [p2/5.4] |
** NOTES: originally 'Urban will furnish summary documents of presentation'. [P1/8]; done. [P2/5.3]; Replaced with modified former #004: 'LaPlant will contact Judy Brewer about w3c/wai liaison [P2/5.4]; LaPlant to furnish comments [P1/9.1].' [P2/12.3]; revised to 'Gilman will draft and post to work-def reflector a memo for W3C liaison letter saying what is overlap and type of expertise needed; will coordinate with Urban [P2/5.4]' [P2/12.3]; OBE and Superceded by managers ACTION ITEM A51. [MCC-6/8/2001]; Remove action item #3 to managers action items list. [P5/5.3] |
y |
#004 |
Roeder/ Vanderheiden |
ongoing |
organize FAQ and V2 website to make V2 effort more understandable. [p1/10.1] Gilman will get relevant links for background information to be put on V2 web site, will post list of links to work-def reflector; Urban will follow up with Gilman. [P5/5.4] |
** NOTES: originally 'LaPlant will contact Judy Brewer about w3c/wai liaison.' [P1/9.1]; renumbered to #003 and replaced by former #006 'Rideout/McCoy/Roeder will organize FAQ and V2 website to make V2 effort more understandable.' [P2/12.3]; reassigned to Roeder/Vanderheiden [P3/5.4]; [email protected] open to all senders but distributed to LaPlant, urban and Roeder; queries to be answered and collected for FAQ. Roeder will create a primer FAQ; LaPlant will seek graphics support for V2 brochure based on Vanderheiden presentation. [MCC-6/8/2001]; Gilman will get relevant links for background information to be put on V2 web site, will post list of links to work-def reflector; Urban will follow up with Gilman. [P5/5.4] |
y |
#005 |
n/a |
n/a |
voided |
** NOTES: originally 'Sheppard will create reflectors at NIST for V2' [P1/9.4]; done. [P2/5.5]; replaced by modified former #007 'Rideout will do security privacy liaison for V2. [P1/10.1]' [P2/12.5]; revised to 'LaPlant will find someone to do security privacy liaison for V2' [P3/5.5]; Laskowski will find out what resources on security issues are available at NIST; ALL will look for someone who can help with security issues and put out word that V2 needs input. [P4/5.27]; LaPlant will send out call for security volunteers (see V2/01-0012) on public reflector. [MCC-6/8/2001]; all done except "ALL will look for someone who can help with security issues and put outword that V2 needs input. [P4/5.27]", LaPlant to check with laskowski on progress. [P5/5.27]; moved to item #27 [P5/9.1.2] |
#006 |
All/Urban |
standing |
post relevant section508 developments to V2 public reflector ([email protected]) [P5/5.11] |
** NOTES: Originally 'Rideout/McCoy/Roeder will organize FAQ and V2 website to make V2 effort more understandable' [p1/10.1]; moved to #004 and replaced by #008. 'LaPlant will keep V2 informed on section508 developments.' [p2/13.8]; reassign to All/Urban and restate as "post relevant section508 developments to V2 public reflector ([email protected]) [P5/5.11]" |
y |
#007 |
LaPlant/ Laskowski |
done |
communicate teleconference information to ad hoc group leaders. [P1/10.2] |
** NOTES: originally 'Rideout will do security privacy liaison for V2.' [P1/10.1]; moved to #005 and replaced by former #011 'LaPlant and Laskowski will communicate conference information to ad hoc group leaders. [P1/10.2]' [P2/12.7]; done. [P3/5.7] |
#008 |
Zimmermann |
done |
post the remote console standard requirements list (as it resulted from the plenary discussion) to the V2 work-def reflector. [P2/8.1.2] |
** NOTES: originally 'LaPlant will keep V2 informed on section508 developments.' [P1/13.8]; moved to #006 and replaced by 'Zimmermann will post the remote console standard requirements list (as it resulted from the plenary discussion) to the V2 work-def reflector' [p2/13.8]; done. [P4/5.8] |
#009 |
Vanderheiden |
done |
post ATIA presentation materials to theV2C reflector. [P2/6] |
** NOTES: originally 'ad hoc A/ad hoc B will work on assignments, report and come up with scope and requirements.' [P1/10.2]; done. [P2/7.9]; Reassigned to 'Vanderheiden will post ATIA presentation materials to theV2C reflector. [P2/6]' [P2/12.9]; done. [P2/5.9] |
#010 |
All |
done |
review and comment on the Vanderheiden ATIA presentation materials. [P2/6] |
** NOTES: originally 'Roeder will identify ad hoc group members in minutes.' [P1/10.2]; done. [P2/5.10]; reassigned to 'All on the V2C reflector will review and comment on the Vanderheiden ATIA presentation materials. [P2/6]' [P2/12.10]; done. [P4/5.10] |
#011 |
LaPlant |
obe |
draft 2 letters to NCITS about copyright issues re EDAPTA and Stanford. [P2/6] |
** NOTES: originally 'LaPlant and Laskowski will communicate conference information to ad hoc group leaders'. [P1/10.2]; done. [P2/5.11]; reassigned to 'draft 2 letters to NCITS about copyright issues re EDAPTA and Stanford. [P2/6]' [P2/12.11]; OBE. [MCC-6/8/2001] and [P5/5.11] |
y |
#012 |
Gilman |
done |
provide Roeder with a reference to the XML protocol on the W3C web site. [P2/7.2] |
** NOTES: originally 'LaPlant and Urban will call group leaders bi-weekly'. [P1/10.2]; done. [P2/5.12]; reassigned to 'provide Roeder with a reference to the XML protocol on the W3C web site. [P2/7.2]' [P2/12.12]; done. [P3/7.2] |
#013 |
LaPlant |
done |
a link to the web engineering best practices meeting. |
** NOTES: |
#014 |
LaPlant |
done |
provide usability checklist to Roeder for minutes. [P2/7.3] |
** NOTES: done. [P2/7.3]; done. [P3/5.14] |
#015 |
Urban |
done |
give document with McCoy's new model to Roeder for minutes. [P2/8.1.3] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.15] |
#016 |
All |
obe |
Word-smith the purpose and scope on the TWiki site. [P2/9.0] |
** NOTES: originally ''All members word-smith the purpose and scope on work-def reflector by December 20' [P2/9.0]; modified to 'All Word-smith the purpose and scope on the TWiki site' [P3/5.15]; OBE. [MCC-6/8/2001]; Comb ining with former item #17 "Urban will be editor for the final wording of purpose and scope. [P2/9.0] -not done" [P5/5.17] |
y |
#017 |
Urban |
obe |
voided |
** NOTES: Formerly "be editor for the final wording of purpose and scope. [P2/9.0]"; combined with action item #16 [P5/5.17] |
y |
#018 |
Burks |
ongoing |
provide more information about AT&T WorldNet access devices. [P2/9.0]; Burks will do presentation at next plenary on alternate access devices [P5.5.18] |
** NOTES: added "Burks will do presentation at next plenary on alternate access devices [P5/5.18] |
y |
#019 |
Roeder |
done |
post the list of ad hoc members. [P2/9.1] |
** NOTES: done. [P3/5.19] |
#020 |
Kindrick |
done |
post on work-def reflector the diagrams for unifying factors. [P2/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P3/5.20] |
#021 |
Gilman |
obe |
post the ad hoc V2C report to the work-def reflector. [P2/9.2] |
** NOTES: obe. [P3/5.21] |
#022 |
Laskowski/ Sheppard |
ongoing |
review UN draft ISO handbook 71 on taxonomy [P5/5.22]] |
NOTES: originally 'Sheppard and Laskowski will look further to
determine if UN taxonomy model is appropriate for V2 [P2/9.2] and will look
at draft ANSI ISO/IEC handbook 71. [P3/5.22]' [P3/12.22]]; Gilman will remove
untaxonomy parts of documentation. [P4/5.22]; Vanderheiden expressed problem
with groups of categories not consistent with accessibilities and allergies (
e.g., of not being related to smell etc.). no differentiation between those
critical to access and those which make more convenient. concern that both
process and voting isn't good since committee basically went off and
reworked. LaPlant will contact iso delegation about Vanderheiden's
concerns. |
y |
#023 |
Ghazi |
done |
make arrangements for teleconferencing the next plenary meeting. [P2/11] |
** NOTES: done [P4/5.23] |
#024 |
Urban |
done |
check conference room availability at CSUN IT Assistive Technology Conference. [P2/11] |
** NOTES: done [P3/5.24] |
#025 |
Sheppard |
done |
check arrangements for a meeting room at NIST for the next plenary. [P2/11] |
** NOTES: done [P3/5.25] |
#026 |
LaPlant |
draft a policy for participation by telecommunications for consideration by NCITS/V2. [P2/5.11] |
** NOTES: specify procedures for electronic participation to ensure attendance takes place. [P3/5.26]; Chapman sent LaPlant copy of law text on electronic meeting attendance [P4/5.26]; OBE [P5/5.26] |
y |
#027 |
LaPlant |
ongoing |
ALL will look for someone who can help with security/privacy issues and put outword that V2 needs input. [P4/5.27]; Chapman and Korn will work on security issue; Chapman will schedule and Sheppard will set up a teleconference. [P5/9.1.2] |
** NOTES: originally 'Rideout will do security privacy liaison for V2. [P1/10.1]' [P2/12.5]; revised to 'LaPlant will find someone to do security privacy liaison for V2' [P3/5.5]; Laskowski will find out what resources on security issues are available at NIST; ALL will look for someone who can help with security issues and put out word that V2 needs input. [P4/5.27]; LaPlant will send out call for security volunteers (see V2/01-0012) on public reflector. [MCC-6/8/2001]; all done except "ALL will look for someone who can help with security/privacy issues and put outword that V2 needs input. [P4/5.27]", LaPlant to check with laskowski on progress. [P5/5.27]; Chapman and Korn will work on security issue; Chapman will schedule and Sheppard will set up a teleconference. [P5/9.1.2] |
y |
#028 |
n/a |
n/a |
voided |
** NOTES: |
#029 |
n/a |
n/a |
voided |
** NOTES: |
#030 |
LaPlant |
done |
Check NCITS rules on which TC officers are appointed and which are elected. [P3/6.] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.30] |
#031 |
Urban |
done |
Nail down room number at CSUN, put together announcement package for review by next Management ad hoc conference call. [P3/7.1] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.31] |
#032 |
Roeder |
done |
Get from Urban electronic version of Vanderheiden presentation and attach to minutes. [P3/7.1] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.32] |
#033 |
Gummadi |
done |
post to work def the announcement that went to the Universal Access Working Group (UAWG) on the planned kick off meeting of the ADIT project which will be at NIST in April. [P3/7.1] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.33] |
#034 |
n/a |
n/a |
unused |
** NOTES: |
#035 |
Ghazi/Kaneko |
done |
Send slide show of February 7 presentation to v2 members. [P3/8.3] |
NOTES: Will advise V2 in writing if canonical user interface work will
be contributed to open standard; Kaneko will send document to Ghazi, who can
decide and forward to V2. Urban will Follow up with Ghazi on canonical user
interface release document. Urban will Coordinate with Ghazi on Microsoft
hosting April 6 working ad hoc meeting in Redland, WA. Urban will Follow up
with Ghazi on canonical user interface release document. [P3/8.3]; all done
except IPR issue which is OBE based on advice from NCITS Secretariat |
#036 |
LaPlant |
obe |
Send warning letter to non-attendants citing NCITS rule that will forfeit committee membership. [P3/9.1] |
** NOTES: OBE. NCITS sent notices to members who were delinquent on payment of dues. [P4/5.36] |
#037 |
n/a |
n/a |
unused |
** NOTES: Urban will Coordinate with Ghazi on Microsoft hosting April 6 working ad hoc meeting in Redland, WA. [P3/8.3] |
#038 |
n/a |
n/a |
unused |
** NOTES: |
#039 |
n/a |
n/a |
unused |
** NOTES: |
#040 |
Zimmermann |
obe |
talk to Ghazi about net meeting prior to next ad hoc V2A meeting. [P3/11.] |
** NOTES: obe [P5/5.40] |
y |
#041 |
Urban |
done |
clean up and distribute document developed at end of plenary to work def reflector. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.41] |
#042 |
Zimmermann |
done |
Write memo that describes evaluation of UIML as related to current AIAP development. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.42] |
#043 |
Trewin |
done |
rewrite comment to requirements document. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.43] |
#044 |
Gilman |
done |
Create new proposed language changes to requirement 2. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.44] |
#045 |
n/a |
n/a |
unused |
** NOTES: |
#046 |
Vanderheiden |
done |
Provide more explanation [detail?] for protocol requirement for human comprehensible text/characters [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: Vanderheiden's comment in requirements document may need to be broken up into 2 parts. [P3/9.2]; Zimmermann will post to work-def reflector [P4/5.46]; done [P5/5.46] |
y |
#047 |
Management ad hoc |
done |
Decide deadline period for finalizing items on requirements doc. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.47] |
#048 |
Zimmermann |
done |
Move note from requirements 16 into technical document. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: done. [P4/5.48] |
#049 |
Kindrick |
ongoing |
Put together a proposal for procedure on how rationale of changes on documents will be captured. [P4/5.49] |
** NOTES: Originally "Decide if comments on collaboration documents should contain suggested text change and rationale, not just state concerns. [P3/9.2]"; Kindrick will put together a proposal for procedure on how rationale of changes on documents will be captured. [P4/5.49]; done except Kindrick's part ongoing. [P5/5.49] |
y |
#050 |
All |
obe |
Review and comment on requirements document on TWIKI by March 1. [P3/9.2] |
** NOTES: obe. [P4/5.50] |
#051 |
Sajka |
done |
give presentation on E books at next plenary. [P4/7.4] |
** NOTES: Relton will remind Sajka about presentation for e-book (on find out what day, how much time?). [MCC-6/8/2001]; done [p5/5.51] |
y |
#052 |
Sheppard |
done |
make sure public reflector errors are not V2 members; All V2 members will check that E-mail address is current. [P4/8.1.2] |
** NOTES: Permanently ongoing. [MCC-5/25/2001] Make a standing admin item. [MCC-6/8/2001] [P5/5.52] |
#053 |
Roeder |
moved to Admin Action |
post 'call for patents' document to public reflector. [p4/8.35] |
** NOTES: This is to be dropped at next plenary and maintained as a permanent managers action item. [MCC-5/25/2001: ] Move to standing admin item, reference A54 & V2/01-0009. [MCC-6/8/2001]; moved to Admin Actions [P5/5.53] |
y |
#054 |
Gilman |
ongoing |
provide summary of the discussion Gilman led on X-Forms, etc. [P4/8.2] |
** NOTES: Gilman will make a TWiki document. [MCC-6/8/2001] |
y |
#055 |
Ghazi/Kaneko |
obe |
move all UPNP specific items into a reference document for UPNP and ask Peter Korn to create an equivalent doc for JINI [P4/8.3] |
** NOTES: originally 'Ghazi/Kaneko move all UPNP specific items into a reference document for UPNP and ask Peter Korn to create an equivalent doc for JINI' [P4/8.3]; change to 'Vanderheiden/Trewin/Ghazi will manage working document to separate the Microsoft proposed draft standard into a technology neutral main document with technology examples (UPNP, JAVA/JINI)', Vanderheiden said the editors will do the writing with input from Microsoft and Sun Micro system. [MCC-6/8/2001]; OBE [P5/5.55] |
y |
#056 |
Kaneko |
done |
send power point slides from presentation on Microsoft proposal for draft standard to Roeder to register as a reference document. [p4/8.3] |
** NOTES: V2 Needs a record of what was presented at the plenary. Any modifications to be handled by the 3 editors (see item #55) docs sent 6/13/2001 to Roeder to register and post. [MCC-6/8/2001]; done [P5/5.56] |
y |
#057 |
LaPlant/ Urban / Kindrick |
ongoing |
work on glossary, acronyms and abbreviations. [P4/8.3] start a glossary based on terms in the requirements document. [P4/9.1] |
** NOTES: V2G has been set up by Sheppard. Kindrick will add Trewin's definition on target service and will look at V2 scope document for terms that need to be defined. [MCC-5/25/2001] |
y |
#058 |
Roeder |
done |
add question of ecmascript to issues list. [P4/8.3] |
** NOTES: done [P5/5.58] |
y |
#059 |
LaPlant/ Laskowski |
ongoing |
formalize a request from V2 to be put on the canvassing list. [P4/7.3] |
** NOTES: |
y |
#060 |
Gilman |
ongoing |
get relevant links for background information to be put on V2 web site; post list of links to work-def reflector; Urban will follow up with Gilman. [P5/5.4] |
** NOTES: |
y |
#061 |
LaPlant |
ongoing |
draft V2 annual report to NCITS for next plenary; this will be added under agenda item 6.1 for the next plenary. [P5/6] |
** NOTES: |
y |
#062 |
Roeder |
ongoing |
put section 508 reflector sign up info in the minutes and on the V2 web site. [P5/7.1] |
** NOTES: |
y |