ISO/IEC JTC 1                                                         
Information Technology                                                

ISO/IEC  JTC 1 N 5183                   

DATE:  1998.02.17     


Other document (Open)                                                 

Status of Subcommittee Website Implementation                         

JTC 1 Ad Hoc Group on Strategy for Implementing Information Technology


Per San Diego Recommendation 10, this document is circulated for      
information and action as appropriate.                                


DUE DATE:            

DISTRIBUTION:  P and L Members                                             


DISKETTE NO.:            

NO. OF PAGES:  1         

Secretariat, ISO/IEC JTC 1, American National Standards Institute, 11 
West 42nd Street, New York, NY  10036; Telephone:  1 212 642 4932;    
Facsimile:  1 212 398 0023; Email:  [email protected]                 


JTC 1 N 5183


The JTC 1 Ad Hoc on Strategy for Implementing Information Technology has reviewed the responses from SCs regarding their readiness to distribute documents via the World Wide Web, as given in JTC 1 N 5187.


We would like to commend all those Subcommittees who have established web sites and are operating in accordance with the JTC 1 policy. We note, however, that the JTC 1 policy in JTC 1 N 5134, in particular Annex D, is not being followed in every case; we encourage web sites to fully comply with the open-access and defined-access categories for their documents. This is particularly the case for those Secretariats which have password protected their sites.


The IT Ad hoc also notes that Subcommittees should be changing passwords according to the JTC 1 web policy.


We urge SCs 1, 17, 25, 26 and 31 to move to web-based document distribution as rapidly as possible. In this connection, we note the offer of Mr. Keld Simonsen of Denmark to assist JTC 1 subgroups in meeting this requirement. Other solutions are also possible.