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ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG99 is the international standardization working group for the programming language PROTO. PROTO is a fake language project that is used as the prototype example for making SC22 WG web pages. WG5, WG11 and WG16 data is used sometimes for example data.

Approved international standards and other specifications produced include:

To obtain these international standards, please contact your national member body.

Work on projects and their milestones include:

If you want further information, or want to participate, please contact your national member body or one of the contact addresses of the WG.

Comments are welcome! We can be reached at [email protected]

Comments on the design of the page:

The page is an elaboration of the document JTC1/SC22 AN-8, 22-Sep-1995. Then input contributions to the design of the structure, and general remarks have been described in the webstructure page.

The design of the "index" page is that the page has general information for a casual interested person, while still being adequate also for work within the WG.

A user can find:

For further reference there is references to:

The HTML formatting requirements are very straightforward HTML. No complex capabilities are required for creating or viewing such pages.

1. The items ISO, IEC JTC1, and SC22 are backpointers to home pages
   for these groups.  On pages other than the home page, the WG name
   points back to the WG home page.
2. For the ISO and IEC bodies their logos are used, as also done on
   on published specifications and SC documents etc.
3. The items Contacts, etc. in the 
   are links to other pages with particular recommended formats
   (see subsequent pages of this document).  Subitems are pointers
   to the headings within those pages.
4. The projects are pointers to pages which have fuller description
   of those, eg as normally described in a conveners report.
5. If there are no items for an information topic, the item
   (e.g., "News") may be omitted from this list and no
   corresponding page need be generated.  If a category name is not
   required (e.g., "Projects"), it may be omitted as well.
6. The page is designed to give a fair description about the working
   group at a first reading. The intended audience is users of the
   WG standards, that would be compiler writers, programmers, 
   software architects, and other standardizers. That is a fairly
   technical audience - but these are the people that pay for
   the standards and pay attention to the work.
7. An emphasis is made on the products of the WG - what can be used 
   by a broader audience.
8. For people that use the page as a way of looking up information
   there are hotlinks at the very beginning of the page. The same 
   links are explained and hotlinked later.
9. The text is rather short, to convey the information to the
   user without having to look thru a lot of pages. The client
   user screen is normaly quite limited in size and it is avoided
   to use a lot of graphics. The two logos are only about 2 k each.
   It is also avoided to use a lot of paragraph headings and
   paragraph numbers, to make the page less formal and to conserve
10. For totally newcomers there is an initial statement
   of this being a international standardization working group.
11. The user is referenced to the
    member body for further info. There are no long references to
    ISO, IEC etc, but hotlinks are provided. The casual user should
    not be tired by ISO administration, but get access to the 
    products (oh - we cannot provide the standards but maybe we can
    provide some interesting material to him/her).
12. Project numbers are avoided, as they are quite formal and do
   not tell people outside the standardization groups anything.
   They can be included on followup pages. Anyway ISO is now
   using the final standards numbers as project numbers, eg 
   ISO/IEC 11404 .
13. For the WG member there are hotlinks in the very beginning
    of the homepage, making use snappy and easy. There is access to
    the WG document list via the lists mad by Danish Standards
    Association, and also meeting information for upcoming meetings,
    an example is a Copenhagen meeting, with info on transport,
    hotels, turist information, weather forecasts, and a city map.
14. There is provision for restricted access to WG and ISO documents,
    but nothing has been done there yet.
15. There is a news button in the hotlist which is not referred
    to in the rest. The news section should be first - but
    then writing "read all about the interesting WG news"
    as the first sentence would be overkill, and the news
    buttton is first anyway. And there may not be that much news anyway.
16. A "stop press" entry as the first part of the index page could
    be included, given that the news warrants it.