WG14 Document: N1110
Date: 2005-03-09
Title: Overflow Protected String Building
Author: Peter van der Veen
Author Affiliation: QNX Software Systems Ltd.
Postal Address: 175 Terence Matthews Cr.
E-mail Address: [email protected]
Telephone Number: +1 613 591-0931
Fax Number: +1 613 591-3579
Date: March 9, 2005
Document History: New proposal based on on-line discussion about Secure C Functions
Proposal Category:
Area of standard Affected:
X Language
Prior Art: QNX Neutrino (A real-time POSIX operating system)
Target Audience: programmers who need to safely build strings
Proposal Attached: X Yes
The straddstr() function adds str to the buffer pointed to by pbuf, respecting the
maximum length indicated by pmaxbuf. The values of pbuf and pmaxlen are
straddstr() - Concatenate one string on to the end of another
#include <string.h>
int straddstr(const char *str, int len, char **pbuf, size_t *pmaxbuf);
str - The string that you want to add to the end of another.
len - The number of characters from str that you want to add. If zero, the
function adds all of str.
pbuf - The address of a pointer to the destination buffer that will be updated.
pmaxbuf - A pointer to the size of the destination buffer that will be updated.
The straddstr function copies not more than the minimum of the size_t that
pmaxbuf points to or len successive characters (characters that follow a null
character are not copied) from the array pointed to by the character pointer
that pbuf points to. The character pointer that pbuf points to will be updated
to point to the end of the actual copied characters and the size_t that
pmaxbuf points to will be decremented by the actual copied characters.
The returned value is the number of characters in the passed in str even
if the number of actual characters was less. If size_t that pmaxbuf points
to was greater than zero on entring the function, then the character that is
pointed to by the character pointer pbuf will always be �\0� on return. If len
was passed in as a 0 then the length is calculated as if strlen was called
on str.
This function can be called many consecutivly to safely build a string. The string
will always be null terminated even if the source strings do not fit into the destination
#include <string.h>
/* ... */
int myfunc(char *buf, size_t bufsize) {
int len = straddstr("string1", 0, &buf, &bufsize);
len += straddstr("string2?????", 7, &buf, &bufsize);
len += straddstr("string3", 10, &buf, &bufsize);
return len;
/* ... */
char buf1[10], buf2[100];
int len1 = myfunc(buf1, sizeof buf1);
int len2 = myfunc(buf2, sizeof buf2);
In the example the myfunc function will always return 21, the desired size of the buffer
to contain all of the strings, but the buffer will only contain up to bufsiz-1 of the
character strings always terminating resulting string with a �\0� character. In this
example len1 == len2 == 21 and buf1 will contain "string1st\0" and buf2 will contain
"string1string2string3\0???...???" where the characters after the �\0� are not touched.
The values of buf and bufsize in the first invocation of myfunc() with an original size
of 10 would be
before: &original_buf[0] bufsize=10
after 1st: &original_buf[7] bufsize=3
after 2nd: &original_buf[9] bufsize=1
after 3rd: &original_buf[9] bufsize=1
The values of buf and bufsize in the second invocation of myfunc() with an original
size of 100 would be
before: &original_buf[0] bufsize=100
after 1st: &original_buf[7] bufsize=93
after 2nd: &original_buf[14] bufsize=86
after 3rd: &original_buf[21] bufsize=79
The value of len if it's nonzero; otherwise, the length of str (i.e. strlen(str)).