ISO/ IEC JTC1/SC22/WG14 N772

                 Document Number:  WG14 N772/J11 97-136

                               C9X Revision Proposal

       Title: Header/Source file names

       Author: Fred J. Tydeman
       Author Affiliation: Tydeman Consulting
       Postal Address: 3711 Del Robles Dr., Austin, TX 78727-1814
       E-mail Address: [email protected]
       Telephone Number: +1 (512) 255-8696
       Fax Number: +1 (512) 255-8696

       Sponsor: NCITS/J11
       Date: 1997-09-25
       Document History: N/A.
       Proposal Category:
          __ Editorial change/non-normative contribution
          __ Correction
          __ New feature
          __ Addition to obsolescent feature list
          __ Addition to Future Directions
          _Y Other (please specify)  Change to existing feature____
       Area of Standard Affected:
          __ Environment
          __ Language
          _Y Preprocessor
          __ Library
             __ Macro/typedef/tag name
             __ Function
             __ Header
          __ Other (please specify)  ______________________________
       Prior Art: Many compilers already support this______________
       Target Audience: All users.
       Related Documents (if any):  None___________________________
       Proposal Attached: _Y Yes __ No, but what's your interest?

       Abstract: Allow digits and up to eight characters before the
       period in header names.


       In 6.8.2 Source File Inclusion, change:

       The implementation shall provide unique mappings for
       sequences consisting of one or more letters (as defined in
       5.2.1) followed by a period (.) and a single letter.  The
       implementation may ignore the distinctions of alphabetical
       case and restrict the mapping to six significant characters
       before the period.


       The implementation shall provide unique mappings for
       sequences consisting of one or more letters or digits (as
       defined in 5.2.1) followed by a period (.) and a single
       letter.  The first character shall be a letter.  The
       implementation may ignore the distinctions of alphabetical
       case and restrict the mapping to eight significant
       characters before the period.


       Allow users to make more meaningful header and source file
       names by increasing the number of characters before the
       period from 6 to 8 and allow mixed digits and letters.

       I assume the original restrictions were the least common
       denominator of file system limitations of the mid '80s and
       that in the mid 90's there is a little more freedom on
       naming files in a portable manner.